
Sharing Jobs, History, Instances, Template, and Integrations in Dataimporter is done via Teams.

Creating Teams

You will find the Teams page on the left-hand menu:

Click on New Team to create a Team.

You must give a Team a Name, and assign the users who should be included in the Team. Each Team must have at least 1 User who is the Manager Role for a team.

Team Roles

Team Members have either the Manage Role, or Member Role.

Members are able to assign Jobs, Templates, Integrations, and Instances to Teams.

Managers are able to complete the same activities as Members, as well as Manage the users who are in the team e.g. Add users, remove users, change roles.

Assigning Resources to Teams

If you are a member of a team, you will be able to assign Jobs, Template, Instances, and Integrations to those teams:

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