Setting up the Template
1. Create a new Template
Source Instance. This is the Salesforce Org that you will choose the Objects from which you will do the migration.
Source Instance. This is the Salesforce Org that you will migrate the data to.
Team (If available).
Lock Source Instance. This will mean that whenever the Migration is run, the source instance cannot be changed or chosen at run time.
Stop on Failure (Recommended). This will stop running the template as soon as an Object has all records fail the migration.
Batch Size. The batch size for each request made during the migration.
Locale. Used for Anonymization of data.
Save the Template
2. Choose the Objects and Hierarchy to be Migrated.
In the Dropdown Box choose the Parent Objects that you want to be Migrated. When you have chosen an Object, click the + next to the dropdown to add it to the Template.
Once you have added a parent object, you will be able to click the > to load all of the Related Objects.
You will be able to see the lookup field which relates the two objects. In the Example above, you can see that Account has been selected, as well as the Contacts, related via AccountId, and the Cases, related via ContactId.
The way that this template is set up, means that only the Contacts that are related to Accounts via the AccountId will be included as part of the Migration.
If you wish to Migrate all records of an Object, or use an SOQL filter to get a subset of Records, then you should add the Object via the dropdown at the top of the page, rather than via the Related list.
3. Map the Objects and Fields
After choosing the Objects and the structure of the Template, you will be taken to the Template View. Here you can see the Source and Target Objects, the Operation, as well as the Order in which the Objects will be run.
In the example above, you can see that the first object to be run is a custom object called Security__c. The Target Objects is currently set to None, as the Target Org which was selected in the Template doesn't have an Object called Security__c. Where there is a match in Object Names, Dataimporter will automatically complete the Object and Field mapping for that Object.
For each source object that doesn't have a target object, click Actions next to it, and select Mapping:
This will then let you choose the Target object to be mapped to:
Once you have chosen the Object, you will then be able to Map the fields. You can read about the Mapping options in the Migrate Documentation.
One additional feature of the Mapping as part of Migration Templates is the Magic ID.
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