Job Management

💡 Jobs are the processes you create to Insert, Update, Upsert, Delete, and Export data to and from Salesforce

Viewing Jobs

To view all of your jobs, click on the Jobs page:

Saving Jobs

Jobs are automatically saved, at each step of the process that you go through, so you don’t need to explicitly request a job is saved.

All of the options that you select e.g. API Type, Mapping, Deduplicating or Sampling are saved on the job, and will be followed each time the job is run.

Types of Jobs

💡 Using Dataimporter you can interact with your Salesforce data in multiple ways.


Choose Insert to create new records in Salesforce. This will not update existing data in Salesforce.


Choose Upsert to update existing records when certain criteria are met, otherwise create new records in Salesforce.

Use this option when you have existing records in Salesforce, as well as new data that you wish to create. On the Mapping screen you will choose which field should be used to match existing records in your source data, as well as in Salesforce.


Choose Update to update existing data in Salesforce. This will not create new records in Salesforce.


Choose Delete to delete existing records in Salesforce.


Choose Export, to export (and send) existing data in Salesforce, to either a CSV file, or to an external data source which you have connected.

Advanced Details

💡 There are two API types available from within Dataimporter.


The REST API sends records to and from Salesforce in predefined Batch sizes. You can control, in the advanced details section, what the batch size for each job should be (maximum 200).

This API is generally appropriate for most jobs where the size of data is either under 20,000 rows, or where a smaller batch size is required due to heavy processing within Salesforce.

Bulk API 2.0

The Bulk API 2.0 is the newest bulk data loading API provided by Salesforce. Using this API, Salesforce will create their own chunk sizes, based on the optimal size for processing. There is no option for you to choose your own batch size with this API.

This API is appropriate for large data volumes where the speed of the upload is important, and the processing of data on the Salesforce side is minimal.

Pass Duplicate Rules

Check this box to bypass duplicate rules set up in Salesforce. This will allow records to be created, and the duplicate rule error message to be ignored.

Use Assignment Rules

Uncheck this box to ignore assignment rules when creating or updating Accounts, Cases, or Leads.


Other options available for you to choose in the Advanced Details section include:

Date Field Format

Here you can choose the date format for your source data. Options available to you are:




Time Field Format

Here you can choose the time format for your source data. Options available to you are:

  • hh:mm:ss.mmm

  • hh:mm:ss.mmmZ+/-hh:mm

  • hh:mm:ss.mmmXXX


You can choose the separator (delimiter) in your CSV file. The default is comma. The options available to you are:

  • ,

  • |

  • ;

Last updated